1000 will love you, 10 000 will detest you. So get over it.
I'm a fan of a lot of peoples work. However am not a personality groupie, nor am i a star struck person in general. If asked "if you had a choice of hosting anyone in the world for dinner, who would it be?" ill admittedly say the friends i always have dinners with. Nothing beats the presence of relentlessly stubborn love, that has seen you through all shapes and shades, makes any meal great.
HOWEVER I AM AN OBAMA STAN. Being the first President of colour is enough of an achievement in my eyes, but succeeding in passing a health bill that will cater to 32 million Americans that were previously excluded by the elitist health insurance laws and rates. Has a lot of us in awe. *ahem, not that we expected any less*
You'd think after such an achievement, folks would cut a brother some slack. Right? Well nope, at least not in his life time. See we've mastered the art of cursing people when they are alive and celebrating them when they die. I have come to the resolution that in pursuit of a dream, never expect to be liked or understood. If there is one thing we lack as a generation is the spirit of camaraderie. The external hauls of the pessimists and cynics are far more screeching than the endearing words of the optimist. Make a habit of setting the table and inviting, faith, hope and courage for a cuppa. They make for revitalising escape.
I recently came across an article on the New York Times that had me thinking, if legacies are going to be built, then the notion of popularity has to be drop kicked.
Below piece is taken of the article: "Its a bird, Its a plane, Its Obama"
"Depending on where you stand, or the given day - he (Barack Obama) is either an over-intellectual, professional wuss or a ruthless Chicago machine poll rivalling the original Boss Daley.
He is either a socialist redistributing wealth to the undeserving poor or a tool of Wall Street's Goldman Sachs' elite.
He is either a terrorist coddling, A.C.L.U tilting lawyer or a closet Chenneyite upholding the worst excesses of the Bush administrations end run on the Constitution.
He is a lightweight celebrity who is clueless without a teleprompter or a Machiavellian mastermind who has ingeniously forged his Hawaiian birth certificate, covered up his ties to Islamic radicals and bamboozled the entire mainstream press. He is the reincarnation of John F Kennedy, Lyndon B Johnson, Franklin D Roosevelt, Reagan, Hitler, Adlai Stevenson or Nelson Mandela."
They truly vilify you and glorify you with the same tongue. Make peace with that and keep building.
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