Monday, May 31, 2010


In the past few weeks the journey of living a dream do I put this?...round house kicked my butt and elbowed me WWE style. So no, when those in it say it aint for the faint hearted they aren't just trying to talk tough. Thank God for business partners, though I may be taller in stature make no mistake my partner has rhino tough skin. She aint the one to mess with, and with me in the team I'd say WE AINT THE ONES TO MESS WITH. But more often than not the past few weeks had me REALLY wishing I had a mentor, someone whose walked the path and can assure me that this too shall pass. So I came across the words of a very wise man and not sharing them would be a crime. So here it goes.

Words from a wise man

In just a short time, I will have been here one half of a century. I've already started celebrating this benchmark filled with so many memories and memoires. When this milestone birthday came up recently a friend asked me 'what words of wisdom have you garnered? What would you do differently and what would you say to those who feel that they only go around once and feel powerless to correct what may be perceived as less-than-glowing results?' I thought before I answered and said 'there is nothing worse that reaching the end of your life and wondering what would have happened or what should have happened but some how didn't happen'

The sad memories of a lost opportunity have made many people bitter the rest of their lives. Often it is no that fatigue of the olympic competitor that is debilitating as much as it is the feeling that if he had lunged further or pushed harder he may have been holding the golden cup of victory as opposed to the bottled water of defeat.

None of us welcome regret into our lives. We want to live to the fullest spiritually, financially even relationally. Yet we often settle for less that the best life we could live. Lulled into sleep by a sense of apathetical compliance, we accept those limitations that could be transcended.

This is what I'm talking about here. Do you feel like you stuck on a job while wishing you had career? Do you worry from those closest to you feeling as if they cannot get in touch with who you really are? No one knows but you to what extent your public success masks private failure. Do you want more out of this next phase of life that what you have right now? Do you?

I don't know about you but most of us do not want to wonder on aimlessly taking life as it comes. We want to take charge of our destiny and see goals accomplishes, move progressively according to a definite and absolute plan. Yet I must tell you that you can only correct what you are willing to confront.

Now I must admit confrontation isn't something that I enjoy, but if I've learned nothing else, I've learned over the years to say what has to be said and face what has to be faced and let the chips fall where they may. Yet many people choose to live in avoidance and perpetual state of denial rather than to risk hard work and ominent reaction that occurs when we confront issues, weaknesses and inconsistencies in others. What becomes even more risky is what I'm about to ask you.

I'm about to ask you to have the courage to face the dark, sinister silent enemy that may be lurkin inside of you. That's right. What I want to know is do have the courage to confront yourself. For the purpose of healing and not hiding you are going to have a heart to heart on issues that may be stopping you from reaching your goals and living your life to the fullest before the second half of your life cannibalizes all that you did in the first half. I just want to intervene, interject, interrupt with an idea that things could turn out the way you want them if you are willing hear and face your truth, this truth will be unveiled if you have had the nerve to confront your subversive destructive behavious, the perpertual erosion that has jeopardized and limited the growth of a wholesome abundant life for you.

Love Thomas Dexter Jakes

I found great comfort in these words so excuse me as I go have that much needed conversation with the mirror


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